In my opinion, this book deserves more than 5 stars. I could not put this book down at all. Well, how can you when there's this hot alien guy named Daemon who's breathtakingly handsome. And I liked katy because she is exactly like me, she gets overly excited with new books like I do. Honestly, this book is so well written that I cant wait to finish off the rest of the series.
This book is absolutely amazing. Basically it's about this girl, Nikki Maxwell, Who goes to a new school called WCD ( Westchester Country Day). She goes there only because her dad got a bug extermination contract, and she is absolutely embarrassed about it. Not to mention that she runs into one of the meanest girls in school, Mackenzie Hollister, who is part of the CCP (Cute, cool, and popular). I really enjoyed this book for multiple reasons. Like, if you're into humor this is probably the best choice for you. Or hey, you might have a Mackenzie Hollister in your school and can totally relate to this book ( I know I did). I just loved the main character so much, I really admired her, even though she moved to a new school, deals with a mean girl almost everyday, she still came strong and had friends to support her along the way. This book just amazed me, and I'm sure you'll really like it too.